Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Keep Optimism!

Obama and Optimism spirit
What is meant by the optimism? Optimism is the attitude has always had good expectations in every way and the tendency to expect a favorable result. Optimism can also be interpreted to think positive. So the optimism is more of a paradigm or way of thinking.

When a failure or the pressure of life, how do you feel an optimist? A positive-minded optimists or think does not consider failure is permanent. This does not mean that he was reluctant to accept reality. Instead, he received and examined the problem. Then, as far as circumstances permit, he acted to change or improve the situation.

Contrary to the optimistic, pessimistic view would consider the failure of the bad side. Generally a pessimist often blame themselves for their misery. He considers that the misfortune is permanent and it happened because it was fate, stupidity, incompetence, or ugliness. As a result, he resigned and did not want to try.

Positive thinking is also a key to success for managing stress. Optimism will make a person uncomfortable situation with a positive and productive way.

Tea for Healthy

Tea for Healthy
Tea is a beverage that is widely known in Indonesia and in the world. Brown beverage is common to drink the guest host. A fragrant aroma and distinctive taste make this drink a lot of consumption. In addition to this advantage, there are many substances that have a lot of very useful benefits for the health of the body.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a cancer that attacks the women and the number of sufferers increased in recent years. Of all cancer patients in Indonesia, a third were cervical cancer patients. This cancer is indeed a frightening killer of women. Obtain information about cancer can help women avoid more than one of the most deadly diseases.

Controlling Cholesterol Tips Part 2

Controlling Cholesterol Tips Part 2
Consumption of fiber
Consume more fiber foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and expelled from the body.

Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or pumpkin. Eat garlic regularly can lower cholesterol levels.

Avoid alcohol and smoking
With smoke or consume alcohol, would be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Exercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains the ideal.

Controlling Cholesterol Tips

Controlling Cholesterol Tips

Consumption of foods low in fat and cholesterol. For example by consuming milk without the fat and reduce the consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat. Oil used for frying repeatedly can raise cholesterol levels, then you'll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.


There is fat in the body of bad cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) which fat can be attached to the blood vessels. Meanwhile, the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is able to dissolve the fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in their normal state. Here are some tips so that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

Lung Disease: Tuberculosis

Lung Disease: Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB)
Cause: The disease tuberculosis is caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva when people spray cough.

Symptoms: cough with phlegm for more than three weeks. It can also be accompanied by bleeding cough. Patients will experience a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening, sweating at night. Decreased appetite, which causes the body to be thin.

Prevention and solutions: If there are friends, neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should suggest to consult a doctor to see if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately addressed and can be transmitted to others.

Treatment: Treatment for TB when it is known from an early age are not too expensive and easy to cure because there has been government provided drugs. If necessary, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.

This disease is also true is one that has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One of them is due to tuberculosis patients are not spending their medication. Drugs must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spend the drug can cause people can not recover and lead a drug can no longer fight germs because germs become resistant.

Lung Disease: Asthma

Lung Disease: Asthma
Cause: The cause of asthma is a temporary constriction of the respiratory tract that can cause sufferers to feel shortness of breath. Vessel constriction occurs in the throat. Heredity was instrumental in this disease, if there are parents or grandparents who suffer from this disease can be decreased to children or grandchildren.Allergic to things like dust, temperature changes, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional tension that may mislead allergy membranes lining the vessels will swell and excessive mucus so that the vessels become narrow and the patient could not breathe. Despite the shortness of breath attacks can go away, but a heavy attack if not treated can cause death because people can not breathe.

Symptoms: Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing sound (wheezing) Prevention and solution: Avoid things that can cause allergies in people, causing asthma attacks. Example by cleaning the dust on the mattresses, pillows or blankets. Avoid temperature and humidity extremes, piaran animals or food that can cause allergies.

Treatment: In order to overcome asthma attacks is to use a salve medicine (bronchodilator) inhaled way. Another way is to do therapy that will teach you how to relax and catch my breath in the event of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, can take medication every day to salve an asthma attack can be controlled. Thus, it is advisable for sufferers to always take medicine salve wherever he went in order to be used in the event of an attack.

Lung Disease: Bronchitis

Lung Disease: Bronchitis
Cause: Disease bronchitis due to inflammation of the bronchi (the channel that carries air into the lungs). Because the infection can cause germs, bacteria or viruses. Other causes are cigarette smoke, dust, or air pollutants.
Symptoms: Cough with fever or yellow sputum, if caused by a bacteria infection. Meanwhile, when is chronic, cough up phlegm and shortness of breath for a few months to several years.
Prevention and solutions: Improve endurance is one of prevention can be done. Meanwhile, to prevent chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking also avoid secondhand smoke to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke is very dangerous.
Treatment: To treat if caused by bacteria or germs can be overcome by taking the doctor recommended antibiotics. If caused by a virus, commonly used drugs to relieve symptoms.

Lung Disease: Pneumonia

Lung Disease:Pneumonia
Cause: Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in the lung tissue (parenchymal) caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Generally caused by streptococcal bacteria (Streptococcus) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.
Symptoms: Coughing up phlegm with thick phlegm and yellow, chest pains and shortness of breath accompanied by a high fever.
Prevention and solutions: Always maintain cleanliness and keep the immune system stay strong to prevent the bacteria can not penetrate the body's health defense. Get used to wash hands, eating nutritious foods or exercise regularly.
Treatment: When has suffered from pneumonia, is usually cured by taking antibiotics.

Benefits of Drinking Water Part 3

Benefits of Drinking Water Part 3
Benefits of Drinking Water Part 3
Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium.Selain it, water helps the body fat stored outlines.
For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water will not make fat because water does not contain calories, sugars and fats.
Increasing fertility:
To you who are planning a pregnancy, it was water can help increase fertility because it stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone and estrogen in women.

Benefits of Drinking Water Part 2

Benefits of Drinking Water Part 2
Benefits of Drinking Water Part 2
Facilitate digestion:
Drinking water helps the disposal of metabolic poisons more smoothly. This will help us avoid digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers and constipation.
Adding natural beauty:
Lack of water will make our skin look dry and wrinkled. Water will help keep the skin supple so keep looking young and naturally beautiful.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of Drinking Water
Given the importance of water, then the advice given was that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liters of water. Here are some of the benefits of water for the body:
Make a healthier body
If sufficient water intake, this can help make the distribution of nutrients throughout the body becomes so well that all the cells in the body can repair itself with these nutrients. By drinking water as recommended will also alleviate the kidneys and liver work that can help us avoid kidney and liver disease.

Worm Disease Part 4

Worm Disease Part 4
To prevent the worms enter the body, most guard is cleanliness. If children defecate on the floor, the dirt should be cleaned with water and cleaning fluid that can kill germs and worms. The habit of washing hands before and after meals with soap is also very important.

Worm Disease Part 3

Worm Disease Part 3
Worm which frequently attacks the human body is a hookworm (Necator americanus), bracelets (Ascaris lumbricoides), and kremi (Enterobius vermicularis). For example, pinworms. The worm can attack any part of the body. If the worm had migrated to the vagina, the area will feel very itchy. Pinworms can enter the eyeball. As a result children are not blinking normally. Complaints typically at night, which put pinworm eggs in the anal canal provides incredible itching complaints. Another case with hookworm. Typically, patients will experience hookworm anemia because of blood sucking. While roundworms can accumulate in the intestines. In fact, children exposed to the tumor could pass because his stomach is getting bigger.

Worm Disease Part 2

Worm Disease Part 2
Such conditions, a delayed development of the child. Moreover, if the longer worm in the body, he continued to lay eggs. Actual worms typical disease in tropical areas like Indonesia. Condition that usually bloom the rainy season. Because the river water and latrines are often overflowing. As a result, eggs or worms crawl out with feces everywhere. Once the worm eggs in the body, it will hatch into larvae. They took several weeks to develop and disturbing.

Worm Disease

Worm Disease
Worms are not a new disease, especially in children. In urban areas such as Surabaya, not many cases of worms. Because, hygiene and sanitation in urban areas are better than rural areas. The nature of the worm itself is moving through the venous blood vessels. From here, the worms can go to the lungs, liver, or intestine. If the targeted lung, the child has a cough. In the intestine, the worms did not want to take unprocessed food. Food taken has become nutrients. Namely, food substances absorbed by the intestine. The result, children may experience malnutrition. In addition to weak, easily hurt a child.